Today we went to the Louvre and checked out the Babylon exhibit, which was new and only going on for a short time. We spent about 3 hours there, then walked around Paris for a bit. We had drinks, ate Chinese and found a movie theatre close to the opera house we went to the other night. We saw "Deux Soeurs Pour un Roi", dubbed. *Mental note- see it in English to see what I missed!*
Academie Nationale de Musique
I'm waiting for the shower key while Nikki looks for our friend Sarah downstairs. It looks a little cloudy and chilly outside today, but no matter- I'm going to a cafe after my shower to use the internet and find some show times for an opera today.
*ATTN* Future study abroad students- Don't forget to pack a power converter and adapter! I don't know how much they cost, because I was lucky and borrowed mine from a friend- but if you're going to be using your laptop or hair dryer or whatever that might have an American plug, you'll need a converter!
^Looking out of one of the windows of the Louvre
Juliette and I are now on the train, heading back to Besancon. I'm ready to be back in a semi-familiar area again, although Paris really was amazing. I truly appreciated all the things I got to do there (ballets, live theatre, spending time with Juliette, etc.) Yesterday was a blast. We went to a water park called AquaBoulevard, which wasn't too far from Arlette's mother's apartment. There, we spent 5 hours swinging from a rope into the pool, riding the waves on floats, sliding down enormous slides with and without floats, and relaxing in the jacuzzi. It was pretty nice outside these past few days in Paris. Today especially- I didn't even have to wear a coat! But maybe I owe that warmth to having dragged my luggage everywhere. That could be it. I didn't exactly pack "light" this time around. I think this was a learning experience for sure.
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