Today I went into Centre Ville and bought an a-do-rable tote bag from a store called "Petit Bateau" for my Aunt, and some other necessities for myself along with a book of proverbs from all over the world written in French. It's one of the cooler things I've ever bought myself, I think!
Tomorow, I'll be going with Gemma (my temporary roommate from Manchester who is only staying for a month at Francoise's) to dinner on the town with her and her blokes. She's experiencing the same thing I did when I first got here- the exhaustion from continuously speaking French. It really does drain you but I know it only gets easier.
I helped my friend Samuel with his english vocabulary today. I can't believe some of the work he's doing- the questions on politics that he has to answer & expand on in english are very advanced. He's a smart guy to be taking such difficult courses. I was having difficulty myself coming up with antonyms & synonyms for some of the words they gave him!
I move out of Francoise's house this Saturday. I'm actually looking forward to it a lot- I'll start cooking for myself, buying my groceries and whatnot. Also i'll probably take the bus to the CLA every day, because it's probably a good 40-45 minute walk from Fort de Bregille, where Arlette lives. It's not far at all from Centre Ville. I may look into getting a subscription for the Velocité bikes. They seem to work pretty well as I see many people using them on a daily basis... it's something to look into.
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