Sunday, June 14, 2009

I had a pretty good day today. I'm realizing that I like my teacher a lot more than my first impression of her. I was kind of intimidated because she spoke super fast and looked real intense. However, after three days with her as our teacher for the Cours Intensif (The pre-semester "test" throughout the month of January we take to get placed into our respective levels), I have found that she's a super funny, exciting person! Au contraire, my other teacher speaks slower but talks a lot more and leaves less room for us to speak out as a class. My writing class is pretty slow, and lasts 2 hours.

In the mediatheque
After the Cours Intensif, I was placed in some pretty slow classes (level B1 group 4). I was the only American in a class of about 15 students, most of them Asian. They are mostly from China, Korea, and Japan. I wanted to change up to B2 where I feel I would get more of a challenge, but the director said that changing my level would be impossible, and that I could only change the group I was in. I finally (after three weeks of trying to reach the director) was able to bump up to a higher group and felt a little more comfortable with the work level.

Yesterday, I went to an Italian restaurant with Keena, Nikki, Sarah, and Katie. We had a good dinner together on Saint Valentin (Valentine's Day). We each bought ourselves some chocolate to celebrate. I bought myself some red wine, too- only 2 Euro for Merlot! Not bad!
I'm happy to be moving on March 1st. My new host mom, Arlette, is super cool. I struck a good deal living with her. I'm going to help her 13-year old daughter with her English, and as a result I pay cheaper rent. I think it'll be a nice change from a house without kids! Also, with the apartment, I'll be able to cook for myself! Something I much prefer over dorm food. Arlette has two sons (one is 20, the other 18). He introduced me to three of his friends, who are all super fun (not to mention charming!)

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