27.9.09- Sunday
A bit more time has gone by, and I’ve been using it to take the train to Tonneins, gather more touristy-like information to find stuff to keep me busy when I won’t be teaching, and meeting other colleagues. I had dinner last night with one of the English profs, Marie-Josée, and her family. It was really nice, and their house (in Damazan) was beautiful! They have one daughter, Benedicte, who dances at Salle St. Côme (where I intend to take lessons). It’s a little bit out of town, but once I get the bike fixed it won’t be a bad commute. Or, if the lessons are during the day, I could easily take the 45-minute walk to the studio. Benedicte studies at the lycée but doesn’t have any English classes with her mother (understandably).
Today I went to my first mass in French- it was hard at parts to follow but the priest spoke slowly for the most part. Dad will be happy to know the church next to me isn’t Protestant after all, but Catholic. I think I confused it with the Protestant church on the other side of town.

There's a protestant church in France? What?