Thursday, October 1, 2009

First day of teaching: check!

Well, I don't have my timetable just yet (will get it on Monday), but I already started teaching! I had two 2eme classes today, most of my students were 15 years old (some 14). The first class was relatively lively and not too hard to get to speak, but the second was a little more difficult- they seemed a bit shy and hesitant. I feel like the hours both went by pretty quickly, although a lot of the time the second class just gave me wide eyes like I was speaking in an alien tongue (which, okay, I probably am, but whatever). I am about to research some other activities that will involve them more and maybe pique their interest so that they'll be more responsive, and maybe level-specific activities that won't be too advanced for their age level.

The primary level British assistant moved in yesterday! She's very sweet, and I haven't heard so far from her how her first day went (seems she's been there from 8:30 a.m. this morning- I haven't seen her since my classes ended!) But we're going to talk about our day over a glass of wine tonight and hopefully hers went as well as mine.

I'm hoping the printer is going to be fixed relatively soon so I can print out some more worksheets! Anywho, on to my lesson planning. Yay for my first day!

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