Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Plans, plans, plans!

So, I've decided that I want to visit London during one of my week-and-a-half long vacations that France so lovingly has offered me, and during that stay I want to see a show in London's West End. I've lived in the States for 22 years, and still have never even been to a Broadway show. As obsessed with theatre as I can be, it's a little insane that I haven't been to a show yet- and I'm going to make that happen. I will ask Amy if she's interested in going, and she could guide me around the big city (that I believe she's only been to a few times, but still, that's more than me). Plus, I don't know if she's seen a show there before! I'm looking into Wicked, Avenue Q, and Les Miserables. I'd prefer the first two because I haven't seen them before (I've performed in and seen high school versions of Les Mis, and I love it to death, but seeing a new show interests me more.) A few days ago I went and saw The Bald Soprano (La Cantatrice Chauve) by Ionesco with Amy in Agen, and we both enjoyed it, for an absurdist piece. She's not much a fan of all the non-sequitirs and it's not my favorite style of theatre either, but we were entertained and had some good laughs. I'm still waiting to see a classic play, hopefully this weekend i'll find something good.

The internet technician came yesterday and installed the phone line at our apartment. Now all we have to do is wait for the modem to be sent to us, and we'll finally be connected! I still don't know if we have to buy our own phone or not, but I suppose it'd come with the modem when it gets mailed. Anyway, it'll be a relief to not have to rely on the school being open in order to use the internet.

Yesterday was also kind of a crazy day, from waking up early and not being able to fall back asleep to having the technician come three hours early to rushing to a meeting with the Proviseur to show him my website I created for the students, nothing seemed to go as planned. But, after only two lessons (my only lessons of the day on Monday) I left class feeling in a better mood than when I had entered. Whether it was laughing with the students or just being around people that brightened my day, i'm not entirely sure. But if teaching is becoming therapeutic, I can't say i'll ever be able to stop.


  1. I'm flying home for Christmas out of London on Dec 22 so I'm taking the train there a few days early and spending a few days in London before I fly. I've also been thinking of seeing a show (I saw on your really awesome website that you are a BFA in Theatre Studies? That's what I graduated in from the University of Illinois in May.) but I'm also having a hard time deciding. I thought about Lion King for a bit, but the tickets are so expensive and I'd rather not pay quite that much... What a hard decision!

  2. if its orange you getting the contract with then the phone should be in the package you get sent...i went through the same thing waiting on it coming. Oh and your number should be on a piece of paper in the box there too....hope it comes quick!

  3. Kinzie- my degree in theatre is in progress, I am thinking about finishing my studies in theatre upon returning to the States. What are your plans with your BFA degree? Are you doing any theatre-related lesson plans with your students?
    The Lion King has to be excellent...I've always wanted to see that one but more of my friends have raved about Wicked, which is why I feel obligated to see that one first.

    Louise- thanks for the tip! I was looking at some phones sans fil but if it's actually included, that will help a ton. And save me money. How long did you have to wait for the package to come after you had the phone line installed?
