Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Bonne Année/Happy New Year!

So, with the new year, I am pretty much required to update my blog again.
I went back to teaching yesterday. It was a nice, slow start as my first class on Monday didn't commence until 2:20 in the afternoon. Even then, it was cancelled- which left me with my one and only class of Terminales for the day at 3:25. It went well- the students were energetic, but only one of them refused to speak english, and no matter how much I prompted her she only replied in French- most often with attempted wit for every response. I didn't let her get to me (there's one in every class I have it seems) because I know when it comes time for her to study for the BAC, and she can't say a word, I'll just shrug my shoulders with the whole "not my fault" look on my face. I'm really mastering this whole French attitude.

One thing that brightened my day yesterday was getting the mail- and lots of it. Because everything that is sent to me is kept in the school (I can't check my mail over vacation), there were 2 weeks worth of stocked up letters/packages waiting for me upon my return. The packages were a lovely care box filled with an XL size jar of peanut butter/mixed dried fruits and nuts from my mother (love her so much), and my LIVEBOX. Yes, it came. Do I need it anymore? No. Thanks anyway, France Telecom. You haven't done 1 thing right yet since I've subscribed for your service.
The letters were a mix of Christmas cards, bills, letters about my Carte de Séjour (which basically just say they want more paperwork, even though I already sent in everything they required the first week I arrived in France). All they want is three pages photocopied out of my Passport. Did it really take 3 months to go through my envelope and tell me there is still stuff missing? Need I even bother getting my Carte de Séjour anymore, since I only have less than 4 months more in France and won't be traveling out of the country before then? If I have a harder time in the CDG airport without one, then fine. I'll make the copies. But hopefully the security by then will be a little loosened from the past attempted attack on Christmas Day (what is wrong with people)?

The Christmas market is outside, and I am more than tempted to buy a nice loaf of 6-grain bread for the next few days. One can only eat plain baguette so often before one begins to crave heartier things. Amy made the comment yesterday as we placed our items on the conveyor belt in the checkout line that I had "posh food choices", which could be true, if posh means healthy. One of my new year's resolutions was to eat healthier and get a little exercise in every day. So far, I've been eating very well, but the exercise thing hasn't kicked in yet. Maybe once I get my schedule organized I'll create a little time slot for a run. I do miss running, but the weather has kept me gathering the motivation. For the past few days, it's been as if you're walking through a cloud- misty and wet. I'm not complaining, though- CNN.com tells me the States have been hit with a nasty cold spell. I know I'd be much crankier if it were colder here. I'm going to miss this temperate weather in the winter, wherever I end up.

This weekend, Amy and I are planning on meeting two of the other assistants from Marmande somewhere to hang out. It's only during the assistant meetings we've had that we've actually chatted, so I sent them a text earlier this week asking if they'd be interested in doing something on Saturday. Should be fun- I'm going to get out more these next few months and really see what I can of France before I'm outta here.

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